DEER HUNTING, 2022 By Jim Larson
Spooky was the hero of year 39.
Only one deer taken,
but that suits us just fine.
On opening morning,
Spook shot a spike buck,
after this one event,
we were plum out of luck.
We all saw deer
during our nine day season,
but few of them were bucks,
I don’t know the reason.
We can blame it on the weather,
as it rained most of the week,
the old guys did not hunt much,
you could say they were too meek !
We can blame it on the puking,
cuz the Elders got the flu,
They just watched TV,
nothing better to do !
The youngest guy was Spooky,
who is 37 this year.
The youth we were expecting,
dissed us again I fear.
Video games and the opposite sex,
are way much more appealing,
so it’s a camp of older men,
I have the feeling.
This was not our best year,
but at least we weren’t shut-out,
we passed on several does,
of this we can tout.
Hunting deer is like sex,
its never really bad,
I can honestly say,
a lot of fun was had.
And if the hunting is slow,
There’s always the drinking,
The Crown Royal was flowing,
so was the beer I’m thinking.
The food was good,
but it was not great.
No deep fried turkey,
or Rupert’s ribs on the grate.
But pizza and steaks,
are still worthy of mention,
a four star restaurant,
was not our intention.
Part of the reason
for this annual quest,
is to enjoy the forest
and all the rest.
When else do you bother,
to sit in a tree,
to enjoy the woods,
and all that you see.
There are chipmunks and squirrels,
romping about,
and mice and rabbits,
as the black birds shout.
The geese fly overhead,
and the swans fly South,
and a fox sneaks by
with lunch in his mouth.
What I’m trying to say,
Is it’s not ALL about the deer,
but that for most of us men
it’s the best time of year.
And Thank You to my Comrades,
for all that you do,
especially for Shack Prep Weekend,
for the loyalest few.
Have a Merry Christmas,
and a prosperous new year.
To the Deer Shack tradition,
I offer this Cheer.