Our new shack was cozy and roomier too, its got electric and
plumbing and a much better view. The out house was heated and
we had color T.V., we no longer rough it and that's OK by me !
Seven doe permits were issued this year, so we all are expecting
to see lots of deer. But our group of five hunters only harvested
two, because the sightings were rare and the chances were few.
The old guy in camp in his third year back, shot a big doe that
he failed to track. When I found his deer it was one week too
late, so from now on his nickname is "Mr Wolfbait" !!
Young Rudolph is finally considered a man, I've mentored this
youngster the best that I can. He drinks and plays poker and
even shoots deer. I've never been prouder than I was this year.
He helps with the cooking and fixing the shack and he even assisted
in making fake tracks !
It's amusing the nicknames we hunters give stands. I know we all
do it, its part of the plan ! We've got the Brown one, the Green
one, Backache, and Pine, Swamper and Fuckstand are favorites of mine!
Oh ya, there is the Ridge stand, the Bruce stand and Skyscraper too,
this list ain't complete, I've just named a few !
After nine days of hunting your body is shot, you've got B.O. and
heartburn and your back hurts allot! But this sport that my father
has handed to me, its something that's sacred to all who are free.
By: Lars